Support hours: 7.00-19.25 CET
- Expiration
- Reports
- Trade handling
- Clearing Workstation/Q-port support
- Test System support
- CMS Web
- Position Transfers
- Options Exercises
- Settlement
- Initial Margin
- Default fund
- Interest
- Collateral Handling
- Cash Optimization
- Clearing Fees
- EMIR Trade Reporting and Matching
- Physical Settlements
Phone: +46 8 405 68 80
Test system: clearing.test@nasdaq.com
Support hours: 8.00-19.00 CET
- Customer support for trading-related inquiries (Derivatives, Fixed Income and Commodities)
- Trade and Order Management
- Trade Registration Facility (Derivatives)
- Market Making Support
- Regulatory reporting (Transaction Reporting, Order Record Keeping, Position Limits and Best Execution)
Phone: +46 8 405 7360
Support hours: 8.00-17.30 CET
- Product information
- Listing of products
- Fee structure
Phone: +46 8 405 6970
Contact the Commodities Sales team
- Commodities Sales +47 67 52 80 32
- Knut Rabbe +47 9322 0800
- Anette Nilsen +47 9936 0909
- Anja Weiss +49 (173) 898 6931
- Camilla Adolfson +46 73 449 6745
- Staffan Friberg +46 73 449 6293
- Bjørnar Elhjem Skjeie + 47 67 52 80 17
Support hours: 8.00-18.00 CET
- Trader authorizations (Trader IDs)
- User and participant configuration in Genium INET
- Technical Access requests (FIX, OMNet)
Support hours: 8.00-17.00 CET
- New/ongoing membership applications
- Coordination of changes to active memberships
- Signature verification and agreement handling
- Client administration (IDP, ICA, DP)
Support hours: 7.00-20.00 CET
- Connectivity
- 2FA
- Clearing Office and Trading Workstation applications
- Conformance testing
Phone: +46 8 405 6750 (general) / +46 8 405 6280 (2FA)
Visiting address: Karenslyst Allé 53, 0279 Oslo
P.O. Box 443 NO-0213 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 67 52 80 00