Weekly options feature a shorter time to maturity, with expiration every week.
If you have a short-term view on a specific share (will the share price go up, down or stay unchanged in the short term), you will be able to invest in weekly option based on your view. You can choose the best matching exercise price according to your prediction. This provides you with a reactive instrument where the price of the option is lower thanks to the lower time value of the option because of its shorter time to expiration.
The expiration day of weekly options will be the first, second, fourth and fifth Friday each month, with a term of up to four weeks.
Weekly options on Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Shares
- Swedish shares in SEK: ABB, AstraZeneca, Atlas Copco A, Boliden AB, Electrolux B, Ericsson B, Evolution, Hennes & Mauritz B, Nordea, Nokia, Swedbank A, SEB A, SHB A, Sandvik, SKF B, SSAB A, TeliaSonera and Volvo B
- Norwegian shares in NOK: Aker BP, DNB Bank ASA, DNO ASA, Frontline, Norsk Hydro ASA, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Equinor ASA, Subsea 7 S.A. and Telenor ASA
- NEW! Danish shares in DKK: Novo Nordisk B
LIFETIME: Up to 5 weeks
TYPE OF CONTRACT: Stock delivery
EXPIRATION DAY: Expiration each Friday except third Friday of month. Expiration day must be a full trading day
For a detailed contract specification, please consult chapter three of the Rules and Regulations of Nasdaq Derivatives Markets, available on the website.
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