Liquidity Risk Calculations & Reporting
Comprehensive and reliable regulatory liquidity risk calculations and reporting
Simplify your data management and international reporting requirements through our end-to-end Regulatory Liquidity solution.
In the recent aftermath of liquidity risk failures at U.S. banks like Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), and Signature Bank, financial institutions across the globe are urged to improve their liquidity risk management processes with more rigorous stress testing and frequent reporting to prevent a liquidity crisis.
Increased regulatory scrutiny over liquidity risk management, coupled with a complex global capital market, means that treasury, compliance, and liquidity reporting teams face evolving regulatory requirements emanating from regulatory frameworks across the globe. These include the international standards setting Basel committee, regional authorities like the EBA, MAS, APRA, US Fed, and others across regulatory jurisdictions.
With so much in flux, institutions need robust, reliable, and efficient compliance and regulatory reporting processes that offer greater transparency, real actionable insights to help reduce and manage liquidity risk, and ability to deliver provably accurate accurately external reports.
Regulatory changes are made on a near-daily basis, across varying levels of jurisdictional requirements. This adds cost and complexity to the reporting process, with recent industry events causing increased regulatory scrutiny over liquidity risk processes.
Institutions need to rely on consistent, transparent, and consolidated data to run different scenarios and easily audit and dissect data at varying levels of granularity. Many still rely on multiple datasets sourced from different locations, creating a disjointed view and increasing the likelihood of reporting inaccuracies.
Detailed data review and analysis, while reconciling with the latest regulatory requirements takes an enormous amount of time, especially when reporting to multiple jurisdictions or handling a high volume of data.
Regulatory changes are made on a near-daily basis, across varying levels of jurisdictional requirements. This adds cost and complexity to the reporting process, with recent industry events causing increased regulatory scrutiny over liquidity risk processes.
Institutions need to rely on consistent, transparent, and consolidated data to run different scenarios and easily audit and dissect data at varying levels of granularity. Many still rely on multiple datasets sourced from different locations, creating a disjointed view and increasing the likelihood of reporting inaccuracies.
Detailed data review and analysis, while reconciling with the latest regulatory requirements takes an enormous amount of time, especially when reporting to multiple jurisdictions or handling a high volume of data.
Our solution improves data management, calculation, and regulatory reporting through an automated end-to-end solution. We provide robust and comprehensive risk calculators and in-depth data transparency to facilitate stronger liquidity risk management practices.
The Nasdaq AxiomSL liquidity risk management and reporting solution is built to bring you peace of mind with much more data transparency, control, enhanced operational efficiency, and flexibility to manage your liquidity risk and make more informed liquidity decisions.
Interested in Nasdaq's Liquidity Risk Calculation & Reporting solution? Complete this form to get in touch with our team. Let's start a conversation.
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Please check your inbox for your copy of the Liquidity Stress Testing Post the Financial Crisis paper.