The right insights, data and technology can create limitless possibilities.
Nasdaq Data Link is a powerful, centralized, cloud-based technology platform providing access to more than 250 trusted data sets, available via API.
Search, discover and build.
Competitive Advantages
Clients are constantly looking to us as a partner so that we can help them access, digest, and deliver information quickly. It’s not just about us serving the data but serving a partnership.
Being agile with product is an important way for us to keep in touch with our client’s needs.”
Featured Products
Nasdaq Basic is the combination of the Nasdaq Best Bid and Offer delivered via QBBO in combination with Nasdaq Last Sale (NLS) Plus.
Real-time data feed that displays the full order book depth on Nasdaq, including every quote and order at every price level for Nasdaq-, NYSE-, NYSE American- and regional-listed securities on Nasdaq.
Nasdaq fully supports the Sustainable Development Goals ("SDG"s) created by the United Nations ("UN"). Data sets cover standardized ESG performance metrics; risk metrics and analytics; gender equality data and more.
Comprehensive, affordable access to all Nasdaq U.S. market last sale data and consolidated volumes. NLS Plus includes all trade data from The Nasdaq, FINRA/Nasdaq TRF, Nasdsaq BX and Nasdaq PSX.
Provides consolidated access to real-time and historical index and constituent level data for all Nasdaq indexes, as well as exchange-traded products (ETPs) valuation data and third-party index data.
Designed to provide a cost-efficient, low-bandwidth method to consume the full Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) data feed while still delivering the necessary dataset that firms require for options trading.