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    Define Material ESG Business Drivers for Your Company

    Seek the expertise of world-class ESG consultants to understand the expectations and priorities of your key capital markets stakeholders.

    Evaluate your organization’s current state of ESG through a gap assessment of your company’s ESG performance and disclosures.

    Understand how your company stacks up in relation to industry peers benchmark your ESG performance and disclosures against peers, frameworks, and ratings.

    Incorporate ESG into core business strategy and align corporate values with ESG practices, identifying risks and prime opportunities.

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    Understand gaps in your ESG program and identify prime opportunities to improve

    Position your organization advantageously in the capital markets.

    Position your organization advantageously in the capital markets.

    Stay competitive with peers or become an industry leader

    Utilize peer benchmarking and analysis to identify strengths and improve weaknesses within your organization.

    Utilize peer benchmarking and analysis to identify strengths and improve weaknesses within your organization.

    Meeting with executives
    Business woman

    Identify risks and create opportunities for differentiation

    Determine regulatory risk, retain and attract talent, and increase access to capital by implementing a meaningful ESG strategy.

    Determine regulatory risk, retain and attract talent, and increase access to capital by implementing a meaningful ESG strategy.

    Working with the Nasdaq ESG Advisory team helped refine our ESG program to reflect the heightened expectations of our diverse stakeholders. Our ESG priorities as a private company required a thoughtful partner and Nasdaq was a great fit for strengthening our ESG program initiatives.

    Interested in working with us?

    We're here to help scale your company's increasing needs. Fill out the form to request a consultation.

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    Your ESG reporting journey with Nasdaq ESG Solutions

    Nasdaq ESG Solutions

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    Discover the latest environmental, social, governance (ESG) trends, insights, and solutions for driving impact and fostering growth at your company. 

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