States With The Most Confrontational Drivers 2024

Driving in the U.S. is getting increasingly dangerous due to confrontational driving.

The number of violent road rage incidents across the United States has surged over the past decade. Between 2014 and 2023, road rage shootings increased by more than 400%, from 92 to 481, according to an analysis of data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive conducted by The Trace, a nonprofit newsroom that covers gun violence in America.

The prevalence of road rage varies significantly by state. Some states experience much higher rates of aggressive driving, putting people in those areas at greater risk when they get behind the wheel.

To determine which states have the angriest and most confrontational drivers, Forbes Advisor surveyed 10,000 licensed drivers and compared all 50 states across nine key metrics.

Top 10 States With The Most Confrontational Drivers

1. California

California’s score: 100 out of 100

California drivers ranked as the most confrontational drivers across all 50 states, with a high percentage of drivers experiencing some type of road rage, including being cut off, cursed at and tailgating.

  • The Golden State has the third-highest percentage of drivers who say another driver has cut them off on purpose (47.5%).
  • California has the fourth-highest percentage of drivers who have been on the receiving end of yelling, insults, curses or threats (32%).
  • The state ranks fifth highest for the percentage of drivers who experience road rage very frequently from other drivers in their home state (8.5%).
  • California also has the seventh-highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has tailgated their car (60.5%).
  • It has the eighth-highest percentage of drivers who say another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them (11%).
  • California ranks 11th highest in the percentage of drivers who report that another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes (35.5%).

2. Missouri

Missouri’s score: 99.44 out of 100

Missouri is just slightly behind California in second place for the most confrontational drivers, with the highest percentage nationwide of drivers who have been yelled at or threatened by another driver.

  • Missouri has the highest percentage of drivers who have been yelled at, insulted or threatened by another driver (33.5%).
  • The state ranks the second highest for the percentage of drivers who report another driver has cut them off on purpose (48%).
  • It has the third-highest percentage of drivers who say another driver has forced their car off the road (13.5%).
  • Missouri also has the third-highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has honked at them in frustration (60.5%).
  • It has the fifth-highest percentage of drivers who have been on the receiving end of rude or offensive gestures (45.5%).
  • The state also has the sixth-highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has tried to block them from merging or changing lanes (37%).
  • Missouri has the ninth-highest percentage of drivers who have been tailgated (59.5%).

3. Utah

Utah’s score: 88.48 out of 100

Drivers in Utah are among the worst for road rage with a high percentage of drivers experiencing some type of confrontation on the road.

  • Utah has the highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has cut them off on purpose (49.5%).
  • The Beehive state has the highest percentage of drivers who say another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes (42.5%).
  • The state also has the highest percentage of drivers who have been on the receiving end of rude or offensive gestures (54%).
  • Utah ranks the highest for the percentage of drivers who report another driver has honked at them in frustration (61.5%).
  • It has the third-highest percentage of drivers who say another driver has tailgated their car (64.5%).
  • Utah also has the fifth-highest percentage of drivers who have been yelled at, insulted, cursed at or threatened by another driver (31.5%).

4. Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s score: 86.92 out of 100

Oklahoma drivers are more likely to experience rude or offensive gestures while driving than the rest of the country.

  • Oklahoma has the second-highest percentage of drivers who have experienced rude or offensive gestures while driving (46.5%).
  • The Sooner State has the fifth-highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes (37.5%).
  • The state also ranks fifth-highest for the percentage of drivers who say that another driver has honked at them in frustration (58%).
  • It has the eighth-highest percentage of drivers who have been forced off the road by another driver (12.5%).
  • Oklahoma ranks the 10th highest for the percentage of drivers who report another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them (10.5%).

5. Colorado

Colorado’s score: 85.59 out of 100

Drivers in Colorado are among the angriest in the country, with a high percentage of drivers encountering another driver getting out of their car to fight or yell at them.

  • Colorado has the third-highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them (13%).
  • The state ranks the fourth highest for the percentage of drivers who say another driver has cut them off on purpose (46%).
  • It also has the fourth-highest percentage of drivers who have been blocked from merging or changing lanes (38.5%).
  • Colorado has the fifth-highest percentage of drivers who have been yelled at, insulted, cursed at or threatened by another driver (31.5%).
  • It also has the 10th-highest percentage of drivers who have been on the receiving end of rude or offensive gestures (45%).

6. Mississippi

Mississippi’s score: 85.2 out of 100

Drivers in Mississippi are most likely to be confronted by an angry driver who has gotten out of their vehicle due to road rage.

  • Mississippi ranks highest for the percentage of drivers who report another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them (13.5%).
  • The Magnolia state has the third-highest percentage of drivers who have been forced off the road by another driver (13.5%).
  • It has the ninth-highest percentage of drivers who experience road rage very frequently from other drivers in their home state (7.5%).
  • The state also has the 11th-highest percentage of drivers who say another driver has cut them off on purpose (43%).
  • Mississippi ranks the 11th highest for the percentage of drivers who report another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes (35.5%).

7. Virginia (Tie)

Virginia’s score: 83.97 out of 100

Virginia tied with Indiana as the seventh most confrontational state in the nation, with a high number of drivers saying they’ve been forced off the road by other drivers.

  • Virginia has the second-highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has forced their car off the road (15.5%).
  • The state also has the second-highest percentage of drivers who say another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes (40.5%).
  • Virginia ranks third highest for the percentage of drivers who experience road rage very frequently from other drivers in their home state (9%).

8. Indiana (Tie)

Indiana’s score: 83.97 out of 100

Indiana tied for seventh place with Virginia for having a high number of drivers who have experienced confrontational drivers on the road.

  • Indiana has the fifth-highest percentage of drivers who report another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them (12%).
  • The Hoosier State ranks the eighth highest for the percentage of drivers who say another driver has cut them off on purpose (44.5%).
  • The state also has the 11th-highest percentage of drivers who have been tailgated (58.5%).
  • Indiana has the 11th-highest percentage of drivers who have been yelled at, insulted, cursed at or threatened by another driver (27.5%).

9. New York

New York ’s score: 77.85 out of 100

New York drivers are among the angriest in the country and are most likely to experience another driver exiting their vehicle to confront them while on the road.

  • New York has the highest percentage of drivers who say that another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them (13.5%).
  • The Big Apple also has the second-highest percentage of drivers who experience road rage very frequently from other drivers in their home state (11.5%).
  • The state ranks the sixth highest for the percentage of drivers who report another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes (37%).
  • New York also has the eighth-highest percentage of drivers who have been forced off the road by another driver (12.5%).

10. Maryland

Maryland’s score: 77.24 out of 100

Maryland has some of the worst road rage in the country, including drivers being purposefully blocked from merging or changing lanes.

  • Maryland ranks the third highest for the percentage of drivers who report that another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes (39.5%).
  • The Old Line State also has the fifth-highest percentage of drivers who say that another driver has cut them off on purpose (45.5%).
  • The state has the fifth-highest percentage of drivers who experience road rage very frequently from other drivers in their home state (8.5%).

Road Rage Trends Over Time

In 2023, Arizona topped the list of states with the most confrontational drivers, while Delaware drivers ranked as the most polite in the nation.

Find more details on how this year’s ranking compares to last year’s in the table below:

Road Rage Statistics

  • In the past 12 months, 41% of drivers witnessed an act of road rage, 32% experienced road rage from another driver and ​​22% felt road rage themselves.
  • Among the drivers we surveyed, the top reasons cited for feeling road rage include:
    • Another driver was driving badly (40%)
    • Another driver was driving aggressively (38%)
    • Another driver cut me off (31%)
    • I was already feeling stressed (29%)
    • Another driver was tailgating me (27%)
  • Drivers reported experiencing road rage most frequently on freeways or highways (36%). Other common locations for confrontational driving include:
    • City streets (27%)
    • Intersections (12%)
    • Parking lots (6%)
    • Rural roads (6%)
  • According to the drivers we surveyed, truck drivers are most frequently seen exhibiting road rage (33%), followed by drivers of:
    • SUVs (23%)
    • Sports cars (20%)
    • Sedans (19%)
    • Minivans (7%)

How Confrontational Driving Can Impact Car Insurance Rates

Aggressive driving and road rage are not only dangerous, but they can also lead to an increase in car insurance rates if they result in a serious crash or injury. The average cost of car insurance is $2,150 a year, according to a Forbes Advisor analysis.

The national average insurance rate increase is 45% for drivers who cause an accident with property damage, while the average rate increase is 47% for drivers who cause an accident that results in injuries, according to a Forbes Advisor analysis.

Just like car insurance rates vary from state to state, so does the average increase in auto insurance rates if you cause an accident. For instance, not only do California drivers have to contend with the worst road rage in the nation, but they also experience the biggest increase in insurance rates for causing an accident with injuries (97% increase).

Conversely, drivers in Wyoming have the lowest average rate increase for both property and injury accidents at 31%.

Regardless, car insurance rates can go up whether you have an accident or not for a host of reasons, including:

  • Location
  • Age and gender
  • Marital status
  • Education and occupation
  • Credit history
  • Home ownership
  • Driving experience
  • Car make and model

Finding cheap car insurance after an accident isn’t easy, but it is possible. Compare car insurance quotes and coverage types to find the best deal for you.

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To determine which states have the most confrontational drivers, Forbes Advisor compared all 50 states across the following nine metrics:

  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has forced their car off the road: 16% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them: 16% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report experiencing road rage very frequently from other drivers in their home state: 14% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes: 14% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has cut them off on purpose: 14% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has tailgated their car: 8% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has yelled at them, insulted them, cursed at them or made threats: 6% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has honked at them in frustration: 6% of score.
  • Percentage of drivers who report that another driver has made rude or offensive gestures at them: 6% of score.

Data for all metrics comes from a survey of 10,000 licensed U.S. drivers (at least 200 in each state) who are at least 18 years old and own or lease at least one car.

This survey was conducted by market research company Talker Research, in accordance with the Market Research Society’s code of conduct. Data was collected between May 30 and June 14, 2024. The margin of error is ± 1 point with 95% confidence.

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