How much a stock's price changes over time is important for most investors, since price performance can both impact your investment portfolio and help you compare investment results across sectors and industries.
Another factor that can influence investors is FOMO, or the fear of missing out, especially with tech giants and popular consumer-facing stocks.
What if you'd invested in Autodesk (ADSK) ten years ago? It may not have been easy to hold on to ADSK for all that time, but if you did, how much would your investment be worth today?
Autodesk's Business In-Depth
With that in mind, let's take a look at Autodesk's main business drivers.
San Fransisco, CA-based Autodesk develops model-based design, engineering and documentation software. The company serves customers in architecture, engineering and construction; product design and manufacturing; and digital media and entertainment industries.
Autodesk recognizes revenue from the sale of product subscriptions, cloud service offerings, and Enterprise Business Agreements (EBAs), renewal fees for existing maintenance plan agreements that were initially purchased with a perpetual software license, and consulting, training and other goods and services. Autodesk reported revenues of $5.49 billion in fiscal 2024. Total maintenance and subscription revenues accounted for 93.1% of revenues, while the rest came from License and other.
Autodesk has four product families: Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) that, Manufacturing (MFG), AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT (ACAD) and Media and Entertainment (M&E).
AEC solutions include AutoCAD Civil 3D, BIM 360, Industry Collections and PlanGrid to improve the way building, infrastructure, and industrial projects are designed, built, and operated. The product segment contributed 46.9% to revenues in fiscal 2024.
MFG, which includes CAM solutions, Fusion 360, Vault and Industry Collections,provides manufacturers in automotive, transportation, industrial machinery, consumer products and building product industries with comprehensive digital design, engineering, manufacturing and production solutions. The product line contributed 19.3% to revenues in fiscal 20234.
ACAD comprises AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. AutoCAD software is a customizable and extensible CAD application for professional design, drafting, detailing, and visualization. AutoCAD LT software is purpose built for professional drafting and detailing. The product line contributed 26.6% to revenues in fiscal 2024.
Media and entertainment products includes Maya, Shotgun, 3ds Max and Industry Collections that provide tools for digital sculpting, modeling, animation, effects, rendering, and compositing for design visualization, visual effects and games production. The product segment contributed 5.4% to revenues in fiscal 2024.
Geographically, Americas contributed 44.3% to revenues in fiscal 2024. Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific contributed 37.1% and 18.5% to revenues, respectively.
Bottom Line
Anyone can invest, but building a successful investment portfolio takes a combination of a few things: research, patience, and a little bit of risk. So, if you had invested in Autodesk a decade ago, you're probably feeling pretty good about your investment today.
According to our calculations, a $1000 investment made in September 2014 would be worth $4,646.92, or a 364.69% gain, as of September 6, 2024. Investors should keep in mind that this return excludes dividends but includes price appreciation.
The S&P 500 rose 174.11% and the price of gold increased 90.36% over the same time frame in comparison.
Analysts are anticipating more upside for ADSK.
Autodesk’s second-quarter fiscal 2025 results benefited from new business growth, steady subscription renewal rates and strong competitive performance. Higher demand for its cloud-based products, mobile solutions and design suites are driving the company’s revenues. The rapid adoption of BIM 360 products and the success of the maintenance of the subscription program bode well for the growth of the company. Autodesk’s top-line growth is expected to remain strong, thanks to solid demand for its AEC, AutoCAD and manufacturing product families. However, muted growth in Maintenance revenues due to the continued migration of maintenance plans to subscriptions is affecting Autodesk’s top line. High debt levels and unfavorable forex movements are persistent overhangs. Stock has underperformed the industry in the year-to-date period.
The stock has jumped 5.22% over the past four weeks. Additionally, no earnings estimate has gone lower in the past two months, compared to 8 higher, for fiscal 2024; the consensus estimate has moved up as well.Only $1 to See All Zacks' Buys and Sells
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See Stocks Now >>Autodesk, Inc. (ADSK) : Free Stock Analysis Report
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