(RTTNews) - Apple (AAPL) has approved its first PC emulator "UTM SE" for iPhone and iPad.
The app, available on Apple Play Store, can emulate old versions of Windows OS, macOS, Linux, and more on the tech giant's devices.
Moreover, UTM SE offers VGA mode support for graphics and terminal mode for text-only OSes, emulation of x86, PPC, and RISC-V architectures, support for pre-built machines, and the ability to create custom bootable machines, Macrumors reports.
In April, the smartphone maker changed its guidelines to allow game emulators. Following this, various game emulators were launched on the App Store, including Nintendo emulator Delta.
However, UTM SE was rejected by Apple in June, citing violation of its App Review Guidelines. The developers argued that "PC is not a console," which attracted widespread criticism from the European Commission.
Later, developers of UTM SE made some changes in the app with the help of AltStore team and another developer, which led to the approval of the app on Apple Play Store.
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