The NASDAQ 100 After Hours Indicator is down -16.09 to 19,757.21. The total After hours volume is currently 114,564,434 shares traded.
The following are the most active stocks for the after hours session:
Intel Corporation (INTC) is +0.04 at $22.73, with 12,116,809 shares traded. INTC's current last sale is 90.92% of the target price of $25.
NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) is -0.16 at $116.84, with 5,226,852 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 7 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Apr 2025. The consensus EPS forecast is $0.8. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for NVDA is in the "buy range".
Apple Inc. (AAPL) is -0.42 at $225.79, with 3,988,280 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for AAPL is in the "buy range".
Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) is unchanged at $201.60, with 3,147,379 shares traded. TXN's current last sale is 99.75% of the target price of $202.1.
Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVS) is -0.19 at $51.64, with 2,920,072 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for LVS is in the "buy range".
CVS Health Corporation (CVS) is +0.36 at $61.90, with 2,808,849 shares traded. CVS's current last sale is 95.23% of the target price of $65.
Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) is -0.03 at $45.18, with 2,528,644 shares traded. VZ's current last sale is 102.68% of the target price of $44., Inc. (AMZN) is -0.13 at $185.00, with 2,497,514 shares traded. AMZN's current last sale is 82.22% of the target price of $225.
Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI) is unchanged at $22.59, with 2,391,672 shares traded., following a 52-week high recorded in today's regular session.
Nike, Inc. (NKE) is -1.15 at $87.98, with 2,375,522 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 3 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Aug 2024. The consensus EPS forecast is $0.51. NKE's current last sale is 106% of the target price of $83.
Halliburton Company (HAL) is unchanged at $29.93, with 2,241,902 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for HAL is in the "buy range".
CSX Corporation (CSX) is unchanged at $34.52, with 2,036,732 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for CSX is in the "buy range".
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