The NASDAQ 100 After Hours Indicator is down -52.93 to 17,814.44. The total After hours volume is currently 140,922,121 shares traded.
The following are the most active stocks for the after hours session:
NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) is -0.4 at $98.51, with 11,583,112 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for NVDA is in the "buy range".
Snap Inc. (SNAP) is +0.0292 at $8.32, with 4,991,309 shares traded. SNAP's current last sale is 59.42% of the target price of $14.
Apple Inc. (AAPL) is -0.75 at $209.07, with 4,544,194 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 5 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Sep 2024. The consensus EPS forecast is $1.59. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for AAPL is in the "buy range".
Intel Corporation (INTC) is -0.05 at $18.94, with 2,906,495 shares traded., following a 52-week high recorded in today's regular session.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) is unchanged at $16.72, with 2,879,975 shares traded. HPE's current last sale is 81.56% of the target price of $20.5.
Robinhood Markets, Inc. (HOOD) is +0.56 at $17.68, with 2,871,318 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 3 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Jun 2024. The consensus EPS forecast is $0.15. HOOD's current last sale is 86.24% of the target price of $20.5.
Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) is unchanged at $45.12, with 2,546,021 shares traded.CSCO is scheduled to provide an earnings report on 8/14/2024, for the fiscal quarter ending Jul2024. The consensus earnings per share forecast is 0.7 per share, which represents a 101 percent increase over the EPS one Year Ago
Visa Inc. (V) is unchanged at $256.52, with 2,284,491 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 4 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Sep 2024. The consensus EPS forecast is $2.57. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for V is in the "buy range".
ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ (SQQQ) is +0.1 at $10.93, with 2,278,150 shares traded. This represents a 53.08% increase from its 52 Week Low.
Hecla Mining Company (HL) is +0.0601 at $4.87, with 2,203,602 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for HL is in the "buy range".
Ford Motor Company (F) is unchanged at $9.77, with 1,989,367 shares traded. F's current last sale is 75.15% of the target price of $13.
AT&T Inc. (T) is +0.06 at $19.31, with 1,839,752 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 3 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Sep 2025. The consensus EPS forecast is $0.62. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for T is in the "buy range".
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