Index Research Papers

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright

    Research platform tools, managed accounts, indexes and turn-key model solutions built on rules-based and time-tested relative strength methodologies

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright (NDW) is a registered investment advisory firm. Our investment research, tools and solutions are built on the idea that markets, securities and signals are actionable through analysis.

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright (NDW) is a registered investment advisory firm. Our investment research, tools and solutions are built on the idea that markets, securities and signals are actionable through analysis.

    Two young professional men look over the shoulders of two young professional women holding digital tablets.

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to empower financial advisors by providing them with tools and insights to leverage our expertise to better serve their clients. Through our research platform, partnerships with leading mutual fund and ETF providers, and managed account strategies, we are able to translate the insights we glean from our Point & Figure and Relative Strength analysis into several different forms, allowing investors to access our methodology in whatever way best fits their investment process. We provide research, tools, and investment products that enable investors to manage portfolios based on unbiased, unemotional, objective data, which has helped us guide our clients through multiple bull and bear markets over our 30+ year history.

    Our mission is to empower financial advisors by providing them with tools and insights to leverage our expertise to better serve their clients. Through our research platform, partnerships with leading mutual fund and ETF providers, and managed account strategies, we are able to translate the insights we glean from our Point & Figure and Relative Strength analysis into several different forms, allowing investors to access our methodology in whatever way best fits their investment process. We provide research, tools, and investment products that enable investors to manage portfolios based on unbiased, unemotional, objective data, which has helped us guide our clients through multiple bull and bear markets over our 30+ year history.

    Research Platform Users

    Licensed ETFs/Mutual Funds/UITs

    Model Portfolios

    Managed Account Strategies


    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Research Platform

    Extensive database of Point & Figure charts on over 50,000 securities and a daily research report with timely market insights and security recommendations prepared by the Nasdaq Dorsey Wright analyst team.

    Our research platform gives you access to tools designed to help you in the following areas:

    Asset Allocation

    • Determine broad technical outlook of the market to focus portfolio allocations within areas of Relative Strength
    • Use technical indicators to identify when supply or demand is in control of the market


    Idea Generation

    • Pair fundamental lists of "what to buy" with technical insights on "when to buy"
    • Transparent and straightforward rating system for over 50,000 individual stocks, ETFs and mutual funds that are designed to increase your odds of success over time

    Portfolio Monitoring

    • Upload or construct watchlists to monitor the technical strength of a roster of securities
    • Use our alerts system to stay informed of changes in the technical outlook of a security, portfolio or the market as a whole

    Model Portfolios

    • Identify leaders based on Relative Strength and build a rules-based, repeatable process
    • Access to 100+ turnkey stock, ETF and mutual fund model portfolios
    • Build, backtest and implement custom model portfolios
    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Separated Managed Accounts and Unified Managed Accounts

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Managed Account Strategies

    Our Systematic Relative Strength family of investment strategies are available as separately managed accounts (SMAs) and/or unified managed accounts (UMAs) on over 15 platforms. We employ disciplined rules-based methodologies that seek to capitalize upon long-term leadership trends by applying our Relative Strength model across varying investment universes and model constraints resulting in different risk and return profiles.

    Domestic Equities

    • Systematic Relative Strength Core
    • Systematic Relative Strength Aggressive
    • Systematic Relative Strength

    Growth International Equities

    • Systematic Relative Strength International

    Fixed Income

    • Systematic Relative Strength Balanced


    • Systematic Relative Strength Balanced
    • Global Macro

    Dorsey Wright Investment Products

    Our suite of Managed Accounts along with a variety of investable products provide investors with turnkey ways to utilize our research and Relative Strength strategies.

    Broad U.S. Equity

    • PDP Invesco Dorsey Wright Momentum ETF

    • DWAS Invesco Dorsey Wright SmallCap Momentum ETF

    • DDIV First Trust Dorsey Wright Momentum & Dividend ETF

    • DVLU First Trust Dorsey Wright Momentum & Value ETF

    • DVOL First Trust Dorsey Wright Momentum & Low Volatility ETF

    • QQQA Nasdaq-100 Dorsey Wright Momentum ETF

    • DWSH AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright Short ETF

    • DWUS AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright FSM U.S. Core ETF

    U.S. Sector/Industry

    • FV First Trust Dorsey Wright Focus 5 ETF

    • PYZ Invesco Dorsey Wright Basic Materials Momentum ETF

    • PEZ Invesco Dorsey Wright Consumer Cyclicals Momentum ETF

    • PSL Invesco Dorsey Wright Consumer Staples Momentum ETF

    • PXI Invesco Dorsey Wright Energy Momentum ETF

    • PFI Invesco Dorsey Wright Financial Momentum ETF

    • PTH Invesco Dorsey Wright Healthcare Momentum ETF

    • PRN Invesco Dorsey Wright Industrials Momentum ETF

    • PTF Invesco Dorsey Wright Technology Momentum ETF

    • PUI Invesco Dorsey Wright Utilities Momentum ETF


    • FVC First Trust Dorsey Wright Dynamic Focus 5 ETF

    • DALI First Trust Dorsey Wright DALI 1 ETF

    • HNDL Strategy Shares Nasdaq 7HANDL

    • DWAW AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright FSM All Cap World Equity ETF         

    • DWAT Arrow DWA Tactical: Macro Fund

    • DWAFX Arrow DWA Tactical: Balanced Fund

    • DWTFX Arrow DWA Tactical: Macro Fund

    International Equity

    • PIE Invesco Dorsey Wright Emerging Markets Momentum ETF

    • PIZ Invesco Dorsey Wright Developed Markets Momentum ETF

    • AADR AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR ETF

    • DWCR Arrow DWA Tactical:  International ETF

    • IFV First Trust Dorsey Wright International Focus 5 ETF

    Data Generic Image

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Indexes

    Putting insights into practice by partnering with leading mutual fund and ETF Providers

    Includes First Trust, Invesco and ProShares to turn Nasdaq Dorsey Wright indexes into investible strategies. Nasdaq has established itself as one of the largest providers of investment indexes, with over 30,000 indexes globally, including a lineup of momentum indexes that are constructed using the Nasdaq Dorsey Wright methodology.

    There are currently over 30 investment products linked to Nasdaq Dorsey Wright indexes including:

    • Dorsey Wright Technical Leaders Index (DWTL)
    • Dorsey Wright Focus Five Index (DWANQFF)
    • Dorsey Wright International Focus Five Total Return (DWANQIFF)
    • DWA International Developed Markets Technical Leaders Index (DWADM)
    • DWA International Emerging Markets Technical Leaders Index (DWAEM)
    • DWA Technical Leaders Small Cap Index (DWATLSC)

    Celebrating Client Success

    First Trust Dorsey Wright Focus 5 ETF (FV) hits 10-year milestone

    Systematic Relative Strength Videos

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright: Year End Review and What to Watch for in 2022
    With inflation concerns impacting many facets of the US markets in 2021, Nasdaq Dorsey Wright will address how leadership trends across major asset classes and US equity sectors have adapted to these pressures. Additionally, we will explore some key areas of the market that have shown strong growth potential, and which areas of the market may be poised to participate in an inflationary environment as we head into 2022.
    Dec 16, 2021

    About Us

    Founded in Richmond, Virginia in 1987 and acquired by Nasdaq in 2015, Nasdaq Dorsey Wright is a foremost expert in technical analysis and momentum investing. The foundation of our research is Point & Figure charting, which we believe is an effective tool for cutting through the noise in a security’s price to focus on the relationship between supply and demand and identify areas of strength within the market.

    By focusing on momentum, which we refer to as Relative Strength, we can remove emotion and subjectivity from the investment process, focusing instead on implementing an objective rules-based process that can adapt to changing market dynamics and help you stay the course.

    Founded in Richmond, Virginia in 1987 and acquired by Nasdaq in 2015, Nasdaq Dorsey Wright is a foremost expert in technical analysis and momentum investing. The foundation of our research is Point & Figure charting, which we believe is an effective tool for cutting through the noise in a security’s price to focus on the relationship between supply and demand and identify areas of strength within the market.

    By focusing on momentum, which we refer to as Relative Strength, we can remove emotion and subjectivity from the investment process, focusing instead on implementing an objective rules-based process that can adapt to changing market dynamics and help you stay the course.

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Indexes
    advisor in conversation pointing at screen

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Contacts

    • Analyst Team: (804) 320-8511
    • Billing Team: (804) 525-2270
    • Sales Team: (212) 312-0333
    • Tech Team: (804) 320-8511
    • Money Management Office: (626) 535-0630
    • Analyst Team: (804) 320-8511
    • Billing Team: (804) 525-2270
    • Sales Team: (212) 312-0333
    • Tech Team: (804) 320-8511
    • Money Management Office: (626) 535-0630

    Contact Us

    Resource Center


    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright is a registered investment advisory firm headquartered in Richmond, VA that specializes in technical analysis. Our expertise is in Point & Figure charting and Relative Strength analysis, which we use to analyze market data and deliver actionable insights. Our suite of technical analysis tools and investment strategies help cut through the clutter of day-to-day market action, identifying meaningful patterns in daily share price movements and momentum.

    Point & Figure charting is a method of technical analysis developed by Charles Dow as a means of reducing market noise in a security chart to focus on the all-important relationship between supply and demand in the markets. We believe technical analysis offers an objective, logical approach that can reduce uncertainty in the market, aid in effectively allocating assets, and enable you to manage risk.

    Relative Strength, also known as Momentum, has been proven to be one of the premier investment factors in use today. Numerous studies by both academics and investment professionals have demonstrated that winning securities continue to outperform and that momentum can perform well both within and across markets. Relative Strength is an adaptive, tactical investment strategy based on objective inputs like share price that is designed to participate in long-term themes of strength by providing a method for identifying market leadership. Relative Strength strategies focus on purchasing securities that have already demonstrated the ability to outperform a broad market benchmark or the other securities in the investment universe.

    Using a clear, rules-based methodology, the platform gives you the ability to streamline your investment process with technical tools thereby freeing up your most precious commodity: your time. With tools designed to help you determine the proper asset allocation, select securities, and develop custom rules-based strategies, you can effectively manage your portfolios with greater confidence and still have time to focus on building strong, trusted relationships with every client.

    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright has partnered with many leading fund providers, including First Trust, iShares, and Invesco, to offer a full suite of ETFs and Mutual Funds that leverage our Relative Strength expertise and offer professional management. Additionally, Nasdaq Dorsey Wright’s own portfolio management team manages a suite of Separately Managed Accounts that focus on delivering long-term outperformance through actively managed Relative Strength portfolios.

    Momentum is actually an investment factor that has been shown to work very well when implemented consistently over longer time horizons. Relative Strength’s foundational concept is that those securities, sectors, or markets that have proven the ability to outperform will continue to outperform into the future. As a result, you can use Relative Strength to develop a rules-based process for identifying leadership trends, sticking with those trends for as long as that strength remains, and adapting as new trends emerge. When applied diligently and consistently, a simple process focused on investing in leadership becomes a powerful instrument for driving long-term outperformance.