The NASDAQ 100 Pre-Market Indicator is down -43.97 to 20,878.93. The total Pre-Market volume is currently 61,709,597 shares traded.
The following are the most active stocks for the pre-market session:
NuScale Power Corporation (SMR) is +0.75 at $27.09, with 2,875,211 shares traded. SMR's current last sale is 258% of the target price of $10.5.
NIO Inc. (NIO) is +0.1099 at $4.42, with 1,569,956 shares traded. NIO's current last sale is 73.67% of the target price of $6.
TAL Education Group (TAL) is +0.15 at $10.25, with 1,500,667 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for TAL is in the "strong buy range".
Dell Technologies Inc. (DELL) is -16.64 at $125.10, with 1,150,462 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for DELL is in the "buy range".
Eastman Kodak Company (KODK) is +1.18 at $7.80, with 1,125,135 shares traded.
AT&T Inc. (T) is +0.0403 at $23.13, with 1,012,652 shares traded. T's current last sale is 96.38% of the target price of $24.
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