The NASDAQ 100 Pre-Market Indicator is up 51.51 to 19,771.33. The total Pre-Market volume is currently 88,507,092 shares traded.
The following are the most active stocks for the pre-market session:
Stronghold Digital Mining, Inc. (SDIG) is +1.49 at $4.42, with 11,071,128 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for SDIG is in the "buy range"., Inc. (JD) is -2.2 at $25.99, with 5,655,833 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for JD is in the "buy range".
NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) is +0.5101 at $127.76, with 4,427,323 shares traded.NVDA is scheduled to provide an earnings report on 8/28/2024, for the fiscal quarter ending Jul2024. The consensus earnings per share forecast is 0.59 per share, which represents a 25 percent increase over the EPS one Year Ago
ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ (SQQQ) is -0.0612 at $7.93, with 2,695,953 shares traded. This represents a 11.05% increase from its 52 Week Low.
Apple Inc. (AAPL) is +0.49 at $227.00, with 1,753,275 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 4 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Sep 2024. The consensus EPS forecast is $1.59. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for AAPL is in the "buy range".
Direxion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Shares (TSLL) is +0.06 at $10.47, with 1,487,865 shares traded. This represents a 111.94% increase from its 52 Week Low.
Target Corporation (TGT) is +21.38 at $164.59, with 1,254,081 shares traded. Smarter Analyst Reports: Target Gains 10% on Outstanding Q4 Results & Positive Outlook
Macy's Inc (M) is -1.37 at $16.37, with 953,190 shares traded. M's current last sale is 90.94% of the target price of $18.
Dell Technologies Inc. (DELL) is -0.01 at $110.70, with 876,593 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for DELL is in the "buy range".
NIO Inc. (NIO) is +0.07 at $3.92, with 736,979 shares traded. NIO's current last sale is 71.27% of the target price of $5.5.
Home Depot, Inc. (The) (HD) is -0.37 at $366.90, with 708,408 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 3 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Apr 2025. The consensus EPS forecast is $3.71. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for HD is in the "buy range".
Ford Motor Company (F) is +0.14 at $10.82, with 615,269 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 3 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Sep 2024. The consensus EPS forecast is $0.5. F's current last sale is 83.23% of the target price of $13.
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