Nasdaq Corporate Solutions

FTSE International Limited

Third Party Terms & Conditions

The Licensee must ensure that the following terms (at a minimum) are incorporated into an agreement with, or terms of use binding upon, each End User: 

(1) All End Users shall only be permitted to view the Data internally. No other use of the Data shall be permitted. 

(2) For the avoidance of doubt (but without limitation to the foregoing): 

(a) the End User shall not copy, store, sell, license, distribute, transmit or duplicate to any third party or to any person (including within the End User's organisation) any Data or any part thereof in any form or by any means; 

(b) the End User shall not derive, recalculate, combine with other data or otherwise modify the Data, create history and/or distribute such derived, recalculated, combined or modified Data or history to any third party; 

(c) the End User shall not make the Data available on any website or in an application, or to the public via the internet or otherwise; (d) the End User shall not use the Data for the purpose of: 

(i) creating and/or operating (whether by itself or by any third party) any financial product, index, or service which seeks to match the performance of or whose capital and/or income value is related to the Data or any part thereof; 

(ii) creating and/or operating (whether by itself or by any third party) any financial product, index or service the performance of which is linked to the performance of a third party's product, index or service which, in turn, seeks to match the performance of or whose capital and/or income value is related to the Data or any part thereof (and whether or not such third party is licensed by the Licensor to do so); or 

(iii) generally exploiting the Data in a manner designed to benefit the End User or any third party (including the creation of any product or service). 

(e) take a snapshot of any Real Time or Delayed Data or designate or refer to any Index Values within such Data as being an end of day value or closing price; 

(f) the End User shall not use the Marks or remove any copyright or proprietary notices incorporated into the Data and the End User shall acknowledge that the Licensor and/or any relevant third party information providers are the owners of the intellectual property rights in and relating to the Data; 

(g) the End User shall not use the Data in any way or for any purpose that would require a separate licence from the Licensor or any other person; and 

(h) the End User shall not permit, or purport to permit, any third party to do any of the foregoing.