

Nasdaq Iceland birtir tilkynningar jafnóðum frá skráðum félögum og þær berast. Tilkynningarnar geta t.d. fjallað um kaup, uppskiptingu, yfirtökutilboð, hlutafjáraukningu, nýjar vörur, innkomu á nýja markaði, viljayfirlýsingu um samstarf o.s.frv.

Athugið Þegar óskað er eftir áskrift að tilkynningum félaga innifelur hún aðeins áskrift að tilkynningum sem félög birta í samræmi við lög og reglur og varða fjármálagerninga sem teknir hafa verið til viðskipta á mörkuðum Nasdaq Iceland.Please visit Bent er á að félög gætu birt annað efni, s.s. almennar fréttatilkynningar, á vefsíðum sínum.


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Nasdaq LEI Platform

Nasdaq CSD 's has a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) services platform, Nasdaq LEI, that allows for more straightforward and effective LEI code issuance and management. All legal entities involved in the financial markets are required to have LEI codes.

Nasdaq LEI offers:

  • Seamless LEI code application with integration with local business registers to automatically retrieve and maintain data
  • Multi-year LEI subscriptions
  • Competitive prices with discounts for multi-year LEI subscriptions
  • Transfer of LEIs for free
  • Built-in notifications to banks or brokerages of LEI events
  • Digital power of attorney submission.

In addition, Nasdaq LEI facilitates financial institutions and other intermediaries in monitoring and managing LEIs on behalf of their clients, ensuring efficient onboarding, uninterrupted service and supporting regulatory compliance.


Read more on nasdaqlei.com

Prospectus information

Information which has been made public in accordance with the Union law can be found on this webpage or via provided link.  All Prospectuses, Swedish issuers’ flaggings and Swedish and Danish management transactions are available on the relevant National Competent Authority’s (FSA) webpage, if applicable.