Why President Donald Trump's Speech Spooked the Stock Market

Markets Now Markets Scott Gottlieb Christine Lagarde Stephen Stanley Donald Trump Lloyd Blankfein Amherst Pierpont Denniss DeBusschere Trump Political/General News Derivative Securities Commodity/Financial Market News Content Types Factiva Filters C&E Exclusion Filter G/FED N/DRV N/ECB N/GEN N/MKT iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Barrons.com Barrons Blogs DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 CODES_REVIEWED Markets Now Markets author Ben Levisohn author|Ben Levisohn author Ben Levisohn id Ben Levisohn name Ben Levisohn topicid 8022 rank 1 topicid barrons_display_brand BARMKTNOW barrons_display_brand|BARMKTNOW codetype BARRONS_DISPLAY_BRAND name Markets Now source MANUAL value BARMKTNOW code BARMKTNOW canbedisplaybrand true status modified barrons_display_subject BARMKTS barrons_display_subject|BARMKTS canbedisplaysubject true codetype BARRONS_DISPLAY_SUBJECT name Markets source MANUAL value BARMKTS 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Christine Lagarde source FACTIVA title Finance Minister relevance 53 seoname christine-lagarde significance passing firstname Christine topicid 6594 name Christine Lagarde confidencerange high topicname Christine Lagarde relevancerange medium fcode 110608532 codetype pe code 110608532 nameformat surname_first onlinesignificance passing-mention pe 76067377 pe|76067377 lastname Blankfein codetype pe displayname Blankfein, Lloyd why occur extractedtext Lloyd Blankfein source FACTIVA title Chairman and chief executive officer seoname lloyd-c-blankfein name Lloyd Blankfein nameformat surname_first relevancerange low fcode 76067377 visible 1 confidence 93 code 76067377 relevance 50 significance passing firstname Lloyd topicid 384 confidencerange high topicname Lloyd Blankfein onlinesignificance passing-mention pe 509246 pe|509246 codetype pe displayname Donald Trump why about extractedtext Donald Trump source FACTIVA title President and chief executive officer occurs true seoname donald-trump name Donald Trump nameformat surname_first relevancerange high fcode 509246 visible 1 confidence 92 code 509246 relevance 100 significance prominent topicid 159 confidencerange high topicname Donald Trump onlinesignificance prominent pe 106419114 pe|106419114 lastname Gottlieb codetype pe displayname Gottlieb, Scott confidence 90 why occur extractedtext Scott Gottlieb source FACTIVA code 106419114 relevance 45 name Scott Gottlieb significance passing firstname Scott nameformat surname_first confidencerange high relevancerange low fcode 106419114 onlinesignificance passing-mention pe 176956791 pe|176956791 lastname Stanley codetype pe displayname Stanley, Stephen confidence 93 why occur extractedtext Stephen Stanley source FACTIVA code 176956791 relevance 43 name Stephen Stanley significance passing firstname Stephen nameformat surname_first confidencerange high relevancerange low fcode 176956791 onlinesignificance passing-mention pe Amherst Pierpont pe|Amherst Pierpont lastname Pierpont codetype pe displayname Pierpont, Amherst extractedtext Amherst Pierpont source FACTIVA code amherst_pierpont name Amherst Pierpont firstname Amherst nameformat surname_first pe Denniss DeBusschere pe|Denniss DeBusschere lastname DeBusschere codetype pe displayname DeBusschere, Denniss extractedtext Denniss DeBusschere source FACTIVA code denniss_debusschere name Denniss DeBusschere firstname Denniss nameformat surname_first pe Trump pe|Trump lastname Trump codetype pe displayname Trump extractedtext Trump source FACTIVA code trump name Trump nameformat surname_first relay SYND relay|SYND codetype RELAY name Syndication source EXPANDER value SYND code synd status modified statistic CODES_REVIEWED statistic|CODES_REVIEWED name CODES_REVIEWED value CODES_REVIEWED codetype STATISTIC code CODES_REVIEWED subject BARMKTS subject|BARMKTS codetype SUBJECT selectable true title Markets code BARMKTS name Markets canbedisplaysubject true ruleid BARMKTS value BARMKTS status modified subject BARMKTNOW subject|BARMKTNOW codetype SUBJECT title Markets Now code BARMKTNOW name Markets Now ruleid BARMKTNOW value BARMKTNOW canbedisplaybrand true status modified wordcount 651 wordcount|651 Photograph by Yasin Ozturk/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Why President Donald Trump’s Speech Spooked the Stock Market Why President Donald Trump’s Speech Spooked the Stock Market Why President Donald Trump’s Speech Spooked the Stock Market

The market wanted to hear solutions for the current crisis. It didn’t get any.

Why President Donald Trump’s Speech Spooked the Stock Market

The market wanted to hear solutions for the current crisis. It didn’t get any.

https://www.barrons.com/articles/the-dow-is-tumbling-again-bull-market-will-soon-end-51583939074 https://www.barrons.com/articles/stock-futures-plunge-on-trump-address-on-coronavirus-51583979828 https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/opolicy/operating_policy_200312a https://www.barrons.com/articles/msg-stock-is-sinking-coronavirus-nba-suspends-its-season-51584023397 https://twitter.com/lloydblankfein/status/1238122355504939012 mailto:Ben.Levisohn@barrons.com Why President Donald Trump’s Speech Spooked the Stock Market By Ben Levisohn Photograph by Yasin Ozturk/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

The Dow Jones Industrial Average sank into a bear market yesterday, but only just. And with President Donald Trump addressing the nation Wednesday night, there was still a chance that it would be a short-lived one. In fact, the market was betting on it: Dow futures were up around 300 points before the president’s address began.

And then the president started talking—and futures started falling. By the time Trump was finished, Dow futures were down more than 1,000 points, and any chance of a quick reversal of the bear market had faded.

The Dow fell even more during the day, as the ECB’s Christine Lagarde added fuel to the fire by saying that the central bank was “not here to close spreads,” and has since rallied after the Federal Reserve said it would provide even more money to the repo markets.

So what did Trump say, or not say, that spooked the market? In a nutshell, it appears that he acknowledged the seriousness of coronavirus by banning flights to and from Europe and encouraging Americans to be vigilant in combating the illness—necessary but economically damaging, nonetheless—without providing a plan to compensate for the economic hit. “Following the disaster speech last night (restrictions increasing around the world, European travel ban, everything canceled, but no fiscal offsets), markets are searching for clearing price,” writes Evercore ISI strategist Denniss DeBusschere.

What he means is this: We know the economy is taking a big hit. There will be little to no travel, no basketball games, people will stop going out to eat and to see movies. The economy, or a big chunk of it, is simply going to grind to a near-halt. But it’s not forever. Former FDA head Scott Gottlieb laid out on CNBC two ways this plays out: Either we do nothing and the disease runs through the country in a month, but overwhelms the health system, or we take steps, which prolongs the outbreak to six to eight weeks, but will have less severe outcomes in health terms. “The markets act like this is an infinite bottomless spiral that will go on for quarters and quarters,” writes Stephen Stanley, chief economist at Amherst Pierpont. “Someone who knows far better than me just said that this is probably a March and April issue.”

But not if companies go bankrupt over those two months. What the market wanted to hear was a solution to that problem, or at least the start of a solution. And until it does, some analysts don’t expect it to find a bottom. “We expect markets to remain volatile until we see some combination of: 1) evidence of successful virus containment; 2) clarity on the net economic impact; and 3) a concerted global policy response,” writes Mark Haefele, chief investment officer for global wealth management at UBS.

In a tweet this morning, former Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein put in more clearly: “[At] this point, go all-in on social separation, and all-in on financial relief to those most economically vulnerable (individuals and sm biz). Save the second guessing for later. I would welcome if we look back 3 months from now and think we over-reacted.”


Investors haven’t seen enough of that right now, and the markets reflect that. But with the Fed doing it’s thing, maybe it’s starting to.

Write to Ben Levisohn at Ben.Levisohn@barrons.com

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.


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